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Budgeting & Money, Europe, Sweden, Travel Tips

Can You Really Visit Stockholm On A Budget?

A lot of travelers are put off by Scandinavia and its obscenely high prices (including yours truly, who has yet to feel financially secure enough to return!). Sweden is notoriously expensive: everything from accommodation to food to beer all seems to be shockingly costly. As a traveler who prides herself on the ability to travel… Read More Can You Really Visit Stockholm On A Budget?

Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Europe, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Transportation, Travel Tips

Planes, Trains (Coach Buses, Minibuses, Ferries), and Automobiles: Transportation in the Western Balkans

On my most recent trip to the Balkans, I spent a lot of time getting from one place to the next. There were surprises, random detours, many “I wish I had known!” moments—and all of it required a lot of patience. While undoubtedly some of this advice will apply to the other southeastern European countries… Read More Planes, Trains (Coach Buses, Minibuses, Ferries), and Automobiles: Transportation in the Western Balkans

Europe, Ireland

A Weekend In Dublin

The capital of Ireland, Dublin has a special place in my heart. Not only was it the first location of my first independent trip to Europe (accompanied by my best friend), but after six trips there, it is a city where I always want to keep returning. Ireland has completely stolen my heart, and Dublin… Read More A Weekend In Dublin